If we believers of Jesus are gone, vanished...

Dear future and kids, It’s my hope that you read this with an open mind, examine it for what it says, and think really hard about the ramifications. Through out my life I have been introduced to Jesus numerous times. At 44 years old, I finally found a church to go back to. Even though as a child we never went to church as a family, I was fortunate to have gone to a church that put that first seed in me. The people never gave up on me and made sure learning was extremely fun. I wanted that for you kids, unfortunately it was giving too much power to the church and not to Jesus. Luckily though, we left before it caused too many problems. Life wasn’t always pleasant while growing up and I am truly sorry for that. I did try my hardest to stay positive and in your life. I know I was never going to give up on you. I am not perfect, and never claimed to be. I am a sinner, and we all are. The only person that never sinned was the son of God, Jesus Christ. There is a series of movies...