19 March 2023
Today I am still sick. This is different sick, for the last 4 days I have woken up with swollen eyes. No matter how much allergy I take I am still dealing with it. So, now I guess I have to call the doctor and see if there is a stronger amount of the same medicine. I have tried natural remedies and my prescribed meds. This is ridiculous. I just wanted a quiet day to relax and reflect on Jesus. I am so tired and swollen all I want to do is sleep. The time I have is valuable and all I want to do is praise him.
Yeshua, I pray to you, my Lord. I am so very thankful that you came to earth, went through everything we endure and sacrificed your worldly body for our sins to be able to go to heaven. Today is much different in the sense that technology has created more issues than before, but if you take that away, the trials and tribulations are very much the same. This is my current worldly body that is temporary. I pray Heavenly Father that while here on earth that I keep it holy in your name. I know I have tarnished it with sin multiple times over. Please Yeshua, forgive me and wash me new. I pray that my garments are now clean and white in your Holy Name. Nothing in this life gives me what I need. Only you can fill the void in this life. Please Almighty take all my sins away and cast them out. I pray in your Holy Name that you clean me and I pray I stay right in your way every day until you come back to get us. I pray that I don't sin. I fear not having you in my life. I fear not the ridicule, just you coming back and I am not ready or that I have sinned in some way, and I don't get to go with you. I pray you give me peace and safety to be your obedient child so you can use me for your way and whatever you need me. Oh Lord please have mercy on me and for my children. Please Lord please wash my childrens hands and hearts and make them see you for the love and glorious person you are. I pray you save them and bring them to you and make them see that this world is not worth living unless you are in their hearts, mind and soul. I know your time in Heaven is a lot different than our time on earth. I know that in a blink of an eye could be tomorrow for you and a life time for me. I pray you watch over all my animals Lord Jesus. They are innocent just like children. I mean I don't think I could handle this world unless I had all my fur babies. Thank you for them and everything I have Lord. I am so sorry I could go worship in your house this morning. Being sick or having allergies so bad that I have swollen eyes, I couldn't go not knowing. Anyways Lord while I am blogging, please help me with the words and understanding of the Bible that you really want everyone to know. Thank you every day that I wake up. Please Lord help me channel everything I go through and when I get upset, to bring it to you, for I have no idea how to handle it except the worlds evil way and get angry. I pray Yeshua that you will give us safe travels and a safe return to everything you have given me. Amen.

Midnight Claus
Midnight was my first cat, since I moved to Washington State. I was driving on 199 Hwy coming from Eureka, CA to pick up my kid from the father and when we stopped so I can call one of them, Midnight jumped in front of the car and wouldn't move. No matter which way I went, Midnight was there. My mother decided to go ask the two places about him. After the first house a banded and the 2nd said he was a banded there. We took him with us. Went straight to Walmart and got litter, litter pan and food and stuff for him. Ever since he was always near and never left us. He saved us as much as we saved him. He was so handsome. He was like a panther. He had lived a very long life and I am so grateful God gave him to me to be a part of the family. He carried Lilly to my bedroom window one night and saved her life.
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