If you are recieving this email your student is participating in Baseball this year. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Richard Grutas Head Coach of Clover Park Baseball Program. This is my 8thyear coaching at Clover Park. I am a product of the Clover Park School District graduated CP class of 2010. The purpose of this email is an introduction, a poll on how we would like to do a parent meeting and a brief overview of protocol, procedure and important information.
At the end of this email you will find a poll of how you would like to have our parent meeting. Once I get an idea of what the group would like more info will come out. We will have the meeting Monday the 20th. We may do that meeting as a recorded video, virtual,in person, or just by email if schedule doesnt work for most parents.
Protocol Procedure and Imporant information
Your student is participating in HS baseball listed are the requirements to be eligible for game play
10 Complete Practices
2.0 No F's , 2.5 1 F
As of the sending of this email on 3/14 we will have both Varsity and JV teams.
Your students placement on either Varsity or Junior Varsity as explained to students is based on multiple factors.
One hot topic in Coach Parent relationship is playing time and level placement. I myself along with long time assitant Coach E and New this year Coach Leach have put together rosters that will be the best situation for child to succeed. If you disagree with playing time or game time situation I would ask that you follow the 24 hour rule for any of the three coaches on staff. I can admit sometimes in the heat of the moment our process and explanations are not always clear. The 24 hour rule allows all partys to have clear gatherd thoughts.
Regardless of Team placement your child will recieve and must return. A White Home Jersey, A Green Away Jersey, White Game Pants and Green belt. (Your child may have also checked out practice pants as well) Our only request is that clothing not be washed in a load that has bleach. We have given the players the option to use the uniform for game day I as a coach will wash the uniforms after each game. The only mandatory purchase (which most have completed by now) is a Game hat.
Once we confirm JV team the JV schedule will be completed.
We will send out our finalized JV and Varsity Roster this wednesday with some exceptions. We have some JV and Varsity players who are still in the process of becoming game eligible our Roster for the first game on Thursday will look a different then the finalized roster.
Coaches -
As I stated previously we are a 3 coach coaching staff. I myself oversee the admin and overall program as well as in game coaching for the Varsity Team. New to the team this year Coach Leach will take over as JV Headcoach . Mr. E, Coach E. who teaches at CP is our roving coach guru goes between JV and Varsity. From time to time you may see Mrs. Coach Grutas. She is the head of our Girls swim program at CP and does our Varsity scorekeeping and Uniform Check out.
Moving foreword we will have weekly information emails On Sundays. Short version will be below along with the Poll of how to accomplish team meeting as written above. If you have any questions please feel free to email me any time and I will answer best I can. Thank you for allowing our staff to be another positive influence in your students life - Coach Grutas
Week of 3/13
Monday: 2:45 - 5 practice - 5:10 Activity Bus
Tuesday: 2:45 - 5 Practice 5:10 Activity Bus
Wednesday: 2:45 -5 Practice 5:10 Activity Bus
Thursday: Varsity game at Foster HS. Students who are on travel roster arrive at 1:15 for 1:30 Bus , Game is at Foster HS Tukwilla,WA 3:30 Start
JV: Practice with Coach Leach 2:45-5 5:10 Activity Bus
Friday: 2:45 -5 Practice 5:10 Activity Bus.
In a normal week your student would have the opportunity to attend extended learning on Tuesdays and Thursdays to get extra educational help.
I appreciate you reaching out. We have just set the JV and Varsity Roster as coaches post practice. While Chris is both grade and practice eligible as coaches we feel that he is best suited for JV team at this time . The arm concern is less about playing level and more about longevity thank you for buying him a sleeve it will really help. Again we are taking Varsity Starters only for this game. For those who are JV or are not eligible there will be a practice with our JV coach Greg Leach at 2:45.
Greetings 2023 Parents here is our midweek email. In regards to our one game and Varsity and JV Rosters.
As coaches we have put together a Varsity and JV Roster. If your child is still not grade or practice eligible (10 Practices) they will start out on JV regardless of ability. As our team grows we have more options. After two week evaluation we feel that these are the best roles for your child to be successful. As previously stated, your child's Varsity or JV status may not be permanent. There will be opportunities to move between JV and Varsity throughout the season based on performance, ability, and position needs. That being said here is your 2023 Varsity and JV roster.
Jacob Barr
Nicholas Barrentine
Stephen Below
Josias Colin
Matthew Consulta
Rylan Garner
Radman Alexton Jonas
Rayson Marcel Jonas
Rikalvin Panuel
Shawn D Venley Talley
Junior Varsity
Isaiah Castillo
Deepak Chaudhary
Chrisopher Claus
Malcom Frank
Steven Griffith
Dylan Hitztaler
Keeneth Hooks
Daniel Lee
Efren Lopez
Andrew Martin
Henock Momba Boole
Malachi Parks
Chase Porter
Joseph Pulido
Diamante Sotelo
Elijah Sta Ana
Gerald Turcios-Colon
Tauren Warnke
Those listed as Varsity need to be at the baseball field Thursday at 1:15 for the 1:30 Bus. We play at 3:30 at Foster HS
As always if you have questions please feel free to reach out.
As of right now we will have parent meeting Monday After Practice at 5:30. If it is raining on Monday I will send out a location change.
Richard Grutas
Head Coach Baseball Clover Park HS
Public Speaker
1. Our first game was against Washington High School. It was a good game on 14 April 2023. Rosie was our Umpire and she did a great job. As we went into the 1st inning it was 3 Clover Park (us) and 1 them. Will Isaiah, Diamante and Chase coming from a hit out to Center Field from Christopher #10. The ending of the 1st Inning they got one run in. In inning #2, Dylan, Joseph made a score for CP with bases loaded before the 6th batter was done. For Washington HS, there were no runs and CP held them with a couple walks but 3 outs in a row. In the 3rd inning, CP had Christopher, Efren, and Elijah come in for runs, and 2 runs for the other team (WHS). The 4th inning CP had Isaiah, Diamante, and Chase come in for runs again, while WHS had 2 runs. In the last inning CP had Dylan and Joseph come in for runs and WHS had 3 runs. Leaving the game it was CPHS with 13 and WHS with 8.
Instead of spelling it out I will recap on games in a formatted sequence.
2. Game 2 was again the WHS with us at home. 17 April 2023
This game leaving the game it was CPHS with 8 and WHS with 13.
3. Game 3 was against Orting on 21 April 2023
1 Inning CP: 0 RUNS Orting: 3 RUNS
2 Inning CP: Christopher, Efren Orting: 3 RUNS
3 Inning CP: 0 RUNS Orting: 2 RUNS
4 Inning CP: Christopher, Efren, Diamante Orting: 1 RUN
5 Inning CP: 0 RUNS Orting: 1 RUN
6 Inning CP: Isaiah, Daniel Orting: 3 RUNS
7 Inning CP: 0 RUNS
Leaving the game CPHS with 7 and Orting with 14. This game had so very bad calls with our players clearly safe and called out. The major problem was there was interference by batter and he should have been out and coach should have taken the out. Instead he wanted to repeatedly tell the entire stadium that its okay, lets just play, IT ISN'T LIKE HE WOULD HAVE CAUGHT THE BALL. or OUR KID WONT BE ABLE TO CATCH IT ANYWAYS.
Game 4 was against Franklin Pierce HS on 24 April 2023 (DOUBLE HEADER)
Leaving the game CPHS with 5 and FPHS WITH 10. The 2nd game was bad, very bad calls called only on CP, umpire at this game was playing favorites and not hiding it. Double headers are already hard enough on the kids, but cheating is not acceptable at all, not with the Blue or the other team cheating on the board. On their score board it showed 5 to 11 and I have the paperwork to prove their mistake and they just counted another runner coming in when they did not.
You know what I have noticed is that when it comes to the home team, the Ref is more favorable towards them. We have not had that many home games either. So hopefully it gets better.
Keep posted I will update every game. A rant for a second, I am just going to leave this out there for those that care. We may have a 1 win 4 loss streak but all our games lost, we have points on the board. Lets take a look:
W: 13-8 won by 4
L: 8-13 lost by 4
L: 7-14 lost by 7
L: 6-7 lost by 1
L: 5-10 lost by 5
At least our boys are not being creamed. They have points on the board. Lets look at Varsity for a minute.
1 Win and 10 Losses
W: 8-6 won by 2
L: 0-24 loss by 24
L: 0-18 loss by 18
L: 7-8 loss by 1
L: 0-18 loss by 18
L: 0-17 loss by 17
L: 2-21 loss by 19
L: 0-17 loss by 17
L: 2-15 loss by 13
L: 0-10 loss by 10
L: 0-23 loss by 23
I do feel sorry for the boys on Varsity, clearly there is an issue with coaching if their fundamentals are not getting some runs. At the end of the day it comes down to how they are coached, they play how they are being taught. Varsity needs help. You cannot blame the kids for losing or not having runs when they don't practice like they should. I don't want anyone saying oh well JV lost all but 1 too, IT IS NOT THE SAME. First of all JV is playing with heart and soul and getting runs after runs on the board. They may lose the game, but they won by putting their 100% into the game.
Not only did both teams lose a lot, but the coaches are also not really teaching them the fundamentals about the game where they understand their job in the game. Now as this season has ended, I want to make sure that even though the staff have clearly represented themselves to be discriminating against certain players. I will not stand for this behavior next season. My son may play again with them next season just for the sole purpose to play with his long-time best friend. He will not be attending regular school due to this and a teacher. But that is the thing, I have the right to Homeschool my child just like you do. If there is a need for it and a really good reason, you will find a way regardless of work or earthly circumstances. Trust in God and it will work out. I know my son will be happy not having to deal with petty adults that should be teaching and treating him with respect and not horrible and discriminable.
Never would I imagine that I would have to deal with a High School baseball coach discriminating against my son just because he is Left-Handed. There is no reason there is discrimination toward a player regardless of a natural ability, it is not like he asked to be born left-handed. I homeschooled my son for the last two years and I am truly against him being in public school, which reminds you was an experiment by the government to get kids out of the house teachings and under their rules, laws, and teachings. By this they can manipulate everyone, and everything being taught. Now it is so far gone and teaching away from the truth and things they need to know to be a productive citizen. Regardless, I let my son go back into the school system under specific circumstances that are acquired for my house. 1. To get all A's or close with my understanding of the issues. 2. To be in ROTC 3. To play baseball (the sport he absolutely loves and has played since 3 years old) 4. He w...
Dear future and kids, It’s my hope that you read this with an open mind, examine it for what it says, and think really hard about the ramifications. Through out my life I have been introduced to Jesus numerous times. At 44 years old, I finally found a church to go back to. Even though as a child we never went to church as a family, I was fortunate to have gone to a church that put that first seed in me. The people never gave up on me and made sure learning was extremely fun. I wanted that for you kids, unfortunately it was giving too much power to the church and not to Jesus. Luckily though, we left before it caused too many problems. Life wasn’t always pleasant while growing up and I am truly sorry for that. I did try my hardest to stay positive and in your life. I know I was never going to give up on you. I am not perfect, and never claimed to be. I am a sinner, and we all are. The only person that never sinned was the son of God, Jesus Christ. There is a series of movies...
Cc: Bre Giove Sat 1/20/2024 1:13 PM Greetings Parents, I hope you have finished 2023 well and you are looking forward to the 2024 season. This email is being sent out to all those who have previously played baseball and a few incoming freshmen. If we haven't already met, my name is Richard Grutas, I am the Head of the Clover Park Baseball Program and the Varsity Head Coach, I am really looking forward to another season. In this email you will find some info that has already been shared with your child via the Microsoft teams. Along with new info and a link to the first of two team stores for optional baseball gear. First of all here is the link for our team store. https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/1crSTxLnsL CLOVER PARK SR HIGH SCHOOL - CLOVER PARK HS BASEBALL 2024 Hurry, shop closes 01/30/2024! bsnteamsports.com After the first store closes and we get more new incoming players we will open a second round of the store fo...
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