Scientists FINALLY Reveal Truth


I just want to make it clear that I done this piece because I know a lot of people need affirmations in order to believe. In fact, the bible says in John 20: 28-29, And Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!" Jesus said to him, "Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

For those that feel they need to see it in order to believe, this is for you. I think you need that mustard seed of confirmation in order to push you with our world at such a turmoil stance. 

Remember, ALL books today are written to deter you away from Jesus, our Lord, our Savior. There are things left on earth to show us the truth. Do you not think that Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit wouldn't guide us eventually to tell the truth in this world of hatred that has done nothing but to ridicule and dismiss the one true God. 

The only one and true book written through man by God with the Holy Ghost is the BIBLE. 

The Shroud of Turin:

Who had it after the resurrection? Who knows but the Shroud of Turin is a popular Catholic Icon and an authentic burial shroud of Jesus Christ. The shroud fist surfaced in Lirey France during the 1350's by historical records from a french knight named Geoffroi de Charny. He presented it to the dean of the church that it is Jesus' authentic burial shroud. There are 1300 intervening years not knowing of any record how Charny got his hands on the shroud. The shroud began to draw a lot of attention and money. Immediately the Roman Catholic Pope declared it not to be an actual historic relic. 

Wow, I am telling you guys this is why I don't trust people in high power to discredit Jesus at any cost. 

So, apparently around 1389, Pierre d'Arcis the bishop of Troyes, France sent a report to the Pope confessing that the shroud was false and claimed the dean knew it and used it to raise money. The pope declared it a fraud and told the Lirey church could continue displaying it only by acknowledging that it was man-made religious icon. This is why pope Francis still describes it as an icon. 

In 1418, the Hundred Years' War was reaching Lirey, threatened the territory. Geoffroi de Charny's granddaughter, Margaret de Charny and her husband offered to store the shroud in their castle. Her husband had to write a receipt in exchange of acknowledging that the cloth was not Jesus' authentic burial shroud and promised to return it when it was safe. She refused to return it and took it on tour as the Messiahs. She later in 1453, sold the shroud to the royal house of Savoy, which ruled over parts of modern-day France, Italy and Switzerland for two castles. She received excommunication for punishment for selling it. The house of Savoy placed the shroud in a chapel in 1502, in 1532 a fire broke out and by the grace of God it only had a few spots of burn marks and water stains. In 1578, the house of Savoy moved it to the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Turin. In WW11, Italy relocated it for safekeeping. 

Since the 20th century, the arguments heightened and debates started with scientific studies. The Shroud of Turin Research Project started in the 1970s and declared the cloth was consistent with a crucified body and the stains were real human blood. Other scientist groups would try to prove different analysis.

In 1997, a fire broke out in the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, and it took firefighters to hammer through 4 layers of bulletproof glass. 

April of 2020, the Turin Archbishop announced that the people around the world could view the shroud online for Easter. 

With everything we know about the Roman Catholic Church and their deceitful hiding in the truth of our beloved Jesus Christ and their wicked ways. Why go through all that trouble to specifically call it false unless it is true, and it would damage what they have in their agenda. Anyways, only God knows right? 


Wow, the ark is still in its place where it was found. 
Watch this, it is amazing. I wish I could go and check it all out myself. It is amazing the love Jesus had for us to give himself and God to give us his only son Jesus. The love. Wow check out their animation, just wow the sacrifice. Everything is possible with the love of God. Poor Jesus having to die a crucial death for all of us. He loved us that much. 


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