Baseball Season 2024

Bre Giove
Sat 1/20/2024 1:13 PM
Greetings Parents,
 I hope you have finished 2023 well and you are looking forward to the 2024 season. This email is being sent out to all those who have previously played baseball and a few incoming freshmen. If we haven't already met, my name is Richard Grutas, I am the Head of the Clover Park Baseball Program and the Varsity Head Coach, I am really looking forward to another season. In this email you will find some info that has already been shared with your child via the Microsoft teams. Along with new info and a link to the first of two team stores for optional baseball gear. 
First of all here is the link for our team store.
After the first store closes and we get more new incoming players we will open a second round of the store for those and for you if you weren't quite ready to purchase items. 
Info about upcoming season and pre season: 
We are currently doing optional strength and conditioning for those not currently involved in a winter sport. We have let all those in winter sport know their current sport is priority.
 Strength and Conditioning is Monday Wednesday Friday at CP in the weightroom from 230-5. If your child needs to leave earlier, it is come and go as you please as it is optional training. 
As we are finally back into the full swing of sports post covid as coaches we will be holding our athletes to higher standards and more accountability this season. This includes grades,  as they are standard to be clear to play  by state and by school we will give our students every opportunity to maintain their grades. Attached is an example of the kind of help that is available at CP Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Extended learning is open to anyone who would like help but as coaches we encourage your students who may have previously struggled to maintain a 2.5 to attend so that they can get in good habits prior to the season.  

We have had one Pre-Season meeting for those not in sports. We will host a second player meeting Feb 21(Most Winter Sports will have ended their season or be in postseason at this time)  in the weightroom prior to Our Strength and Conditioning at 2:30. 
February 26th is the first day of baseball. Some of the specifics will be listed in the team letter that will be passed out on Feb 21. 
To summarize: Team store is open, if your child is not already in a winter sport we would love to see them at Winter conditioning MWF 2:30 in Weightroom., there is opportunity to get grades up now so they won't have to get grades up in season, if you student has more questions or friends who want to join we will have another player meeting Feb. 21 in the Weightroom.  We will also have a baseball parent meeting within the first week of practice following regular practice time. 
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out,  
Richard Grutas 
Head Coach Baseball  Clover Park HS

20th of January every parent should have gotten this email about their child playing baseball. 

Richard Grutas
Richard Grutas
Bre Giove;Gregg Leach
Sun 2/25/2024 5:33 PM
Greetings all, 
Here are some reminders for you and your student athlete. 
(If you have been cleared and played fall or winter sports you need the brown sheet from ASB signed by parent and turned that in to Mrs. Gillman so you can get your half sheet to turn into me) 
  • Fill out Skyward Forms for both student and guardian
  • Have all fines cleared with Mrs. Walker in ASB 
  • Pay for ASB with Mrs. Walker ASB 
  • Fill out Baseball Cautionary Statement (Paper form is located outside of ASB Office) 
  • Once all steps are completed will need to see Mrs. Gillman (other asb office) she will hand you a half sheet stating that you are cleared to play baseball and you will give that form to me. 
  • Printed out Skyward Grades sheet. On first day (a printed version of your grades to show coaching staff)  .
If you are a non Traditional student ( Open doors, Grad alliance, Online Program, Running Start, Homeschool) your grades will go through Mrs. Giove, you will not need a printed grade sheet. 
CP AND HP STUDENTS please print out your grades and bring them day one. 
HP students have a few more forms to fill out that can be found in the HP office with Mrs. Vlaming. 
If Your student/you attended either interest meeting you were handed a handbook to read over and sign, that is due by 2/1. If you were unable to attend you will get one on day one. 
Our handbook is a way to keep everyone(students, coaching staff) accountable. We will follow the handbook. 
Biggest handbook reminder. Should always have clothes and shoes for weightlifting/indoor/outdoor as our weather in unpredictable. 
Once we have all students in Skyward. We will send out a weekly parent/guardian email for weekly updates. 
Your students main way to receive information will be on Microsoft teams which they can access with their school email. 
We ask that if they have personal questions they email either myself or Coach Leach. We will answer in a professional timely manner. 
Lastly our second window for gear with BSN is listed below. 
Finally if you have any questions feel free to reply (not reply all) or email me separately. Cant wait to see you out there! 
Richard Grutas 
Head Coach Baseball  Clover Park HS


This is the 2nd reminder I got about the grades and other reminders for students and parents. 

Baseball started on the 26th of February. 

Richard Grutas
Richard Grutas
Sausauotamaitai Pritchard;Amanda Grutas;Bre Giove;Gregg Leach;
Sun 3/3/2024 6:37 PM
176 KB
Good Evening, 
If you are receiving this email, you either have a student  who plays baseball or you are one of the players yourself. My name is Richard Grutas and I am the Head of the Baseball Program here at Clover Park. This year is off to a great start with enough students to have both a Varsity and JV baseball team. We will finalize those list this week and you will get a game schedule according to your students' placement. 
On March 9th  all students will be eligible to play as long as they have 8 total practices by the day before. Varsity will be hosting a Jamboree and JV will travel to play in a jamboree at Foss. 
Attached is the Baseball Handbook with standard operating procedures for things like contact, playing time, missing practice. Hopefully your student already brought their copy home to be signed and returned. If not, you now will have the digital copy. 
This week we have practice Monday-Friday. If weather doesn't suddenly change all will be outdoors 2:45-5:15. There is a 5:30 Activity bus and if your child needs to take the city bus, we will be done in time for them to catch the 530 or the closest to 5:30 city bus. 
Tuesday is also the first grade check. Your student's quarter 3 grades will determine if they are eligible to play after the jamborees. Your student must have a 2.5 with 1 or less F's or a 2.0 with no F's In order to be eligible to play in games. If after Tuesdays Grade check your child is not eligible, they will still be able to play in the jamboree on March 9th . They will become ineligible starting March 11. After the grade check on Tuesday in order to become eligible your student will need to see our athletic director and fill out a grade check form. When your student goes to see athletic director, they will be explained the process to be eligible again. During the entire season we will make sure that your student has an opportunity to maintain their grades. We want to make sure your whole student athlete is taken care of and not just the athlete. 
Thursday is Picture day. We will have forms before hand if you would like team pictures. 
In the handbook that is attached it will explain what is provided and what is not. One of those items that is not provided is a team hat. The team hats are available for purchase from our ASB office for 30 dollars. We never want money to be an obstacle for your child to have a full uniform. If the hat may be an obstacle please reach out to me as soon as possible directly and we will see what we can do. 
I will be sending out a parent email every Sunday with information regarding the week ahead. Your student will get information for the day to day on their school Microsoft Teams Page updated by 1pm every day. 
If ever you have questions please don't hesitate to reach out. 
Richard Grutas 
Head Coach Baseball  Clover Park HS

8 March 2024 Friday

Today after practice I was told by my son that he and his friend despite of progress or outshining in their position they will be on JV. I have been at nearly every practice and have noticed that Christopher has done a better job at catching than the other kids. Again, starting the discrimination of him being a left-handed catcher. They have taken everyone that was Varsity from last year and replaced them in Varsity. Not leaving room for the Seniors this year to be on Varsity where they belong. 

[09:51 PM] Richard Grutas

Everyone to Field Connex at 9am. Bring whole uniform. We will hand out the Green Away uniform. I

Foss Travel Roster - 

Isaiah Castillo 

Chris Claus

Elijah Sta Ana

Diamante Sotelo 

Sean John Anderson

Chase Porter 

Henry Su'a  

Pati Taito 

Shawn Talley 

Matthew Consulta 

Staying at CP - Bring Shorts and Indoor Shoes 

Josias Colin 

Daniel Brady 

Stephen Below 

Jacob barr 

Jonathan Phillip 

Leonidas Ostrowski 

Malcom Frank

Marcus Galeai 

Rayson Jonas 

Rwaleed Allen Pettus

Shawn Solo 

Gage Simon 

Donavan Phillip 

Noah Books

Javar Perry 

2024 Timberwolves Baseball

09 March 2024

JV had a double header at Foss High School Baseball Field

6 batters per inning or 3 strike outs

CPHS vs Foss HS 1st Game

CPHS was first at bat, with CPHS away team

1st Inning:

4 Runs by Matthew, Isaiah, Christopher and Shawn

1 Run by Ross #23

2nd Inning:

1 Run by Sean John

2 Runs by #10 and #5

3rd Inning:

1 Run by Shawn

0 Runs by Foss

4th Inning:

0 Runs by CPHS

0 Runs by Foss

5th Inning:

3 Runs by Pati, Matthew, and Isaiah

1 Run by #23


CPHS vs Concordia 2nd Game

Concordia was at bat first, CPHS was home team

1st Inning:

0 Runs by Concordia

4 Runs by Pati, Matthew, Isaiah, and Christopher

2nd Inning:

0 Runs by Concordia

3 Runs by Chase, Elijah, and Diamante

3rd Inning:

0 Runs by Concordia

5 Runs by Isaiah, Christopher, Shawn, Henry, and Sean John

4th Inning:

2 Runs by #3 and #7

3 Runs by Diamante, Pati, and Matthew

Top of 5th Inning:

2 Runs by #11 and #20

CPHS 15-Concordia 4

Today's game was extremely cold, with wind, hail, and rain. Sporadically it came all mixed together with intermittent splotches of sun or just overcast. On the way back to my truck, my fingers were so cold and red that they started painfully achy. 

Richard Grutas
Richard Grutas;Gregg Leach;
Sausauotamaitai Pritchard;Amanda Grutas;Bre Giove
Sun 3/10/2024 6:58 PM
Good Evening, 
If you are receiving this email, you either have a student who plays baseball or you are one of the players yourself. This is the weekly email. 
On March 9th we played the first set of games in a Jamboree.  The report back from JV Head Coach Leach is that it went very well. We still have a lot to work on but I am glad we started off with two wins. 
This week
(Monday only) 
In preparation for potential missing athletes. Everyone who is eligible bring your whole uniform and green top to play at Foss. We will decide who we send by 12noon. 
Practice Monday and Thursday. With a 4pm game @ Foster HS in Tukwila Tuesday. 4pm Home Games both Wednesday and Friday. 
Reminder that Foster, Foss and few other schools have turf fields. The rules for those fields are that players either way nonmetal cleats (football cleats work too) or wear tennis shoes. 
Game Monday 4pm at Foss. Practice Tuesday-Friday. (During home games they will practice at the small field) 
There will be no extended learning this week due to student lead conferences Wednesday-Friday. 
Grade check was run on Tuesday 3/5. You/your student athlete had a grace period until 3/11. Starting tomorrow 3/11 If you/your student were on the initial grade list they must bring current grades to our Athletic Director to be cleared to return games. Reminder that in order to be eligible for games you/your student must have 10 Practices and have grades of either a 2.5 and above with no more than 1 F. or a 2.0-2.49 with No F's.  
Please also be mindful that outside of excused absence if your child misses two or more classes in a day they are not eligible to participate. 
I am very encouraged by the number of players we have out. By the end of this week everyone should have 10 practices and we should be in a better rhythm and routine. 
As always please don't hesitate to reach out. If you/your student is on JV and you need to directly reach out you may contact Coach Leach at
Richard Grutas 
Head Coach Baseball  Clover Park HS

Tell me why a Varsity coach is dictating on where specific players are going to go for a game that he is not coaching. He is the Varsity coach not the JV coach.
My son said that after our game he wanted to quit, because all the coaches are trying to force him into playing 1st base where he absolutely hates. Regardless of if he is a great ball player there. He is great anywhere because he is a great player, but why not lift him and help him in a spot he is passionate about. He hates it and more hates it because he knows their agenda and why they are doing it, because he is left-handed. 

JV game at Foss High School Away on 11 March 2024

Matthew 17, Shawn 18, Christopher 10, Pati 8, Marcus 9, Chase 22, Sean John 21, Elijah 16, and Diamante 26.

1st Inning:
CPHS: Runs by Matthew, Shawn, Christopher, and Pati
FOSS: Runs by Isaiah, and Randy

2nd Inning:
CPHS: Runs by Matthew, and Elijah
FOSS: Runs by Jayden and Andrew

3rd Inning:
CPHS: Runs by Pati and Marcus
FOSS: Runs by no-one

4th Inning:
CPHS: Runs by Matthew
FOSS: Runs by Isaiah, Randy, and Andrew

5th Inning:
CPHS: Runs by no-one
FOSS: Runs by Riley

6th Inning:
CPHS: Runs by Matthew, Shawn, and Pati
FOSS: Runs by no-one

7th Inning:
CPHS: Runs by Chase, Sean John, and Elijah
FOSS: Runs by Randy, Tobin, Jayden, and Andrew

Not only that but Christopher is so sick for such a display of non-sportsmanship that when the coach posted the below post, Christopher immediately felt disgust. Isn't there a certain run gap that stops the game?

I don't know what is worst, a school that allows discrimination, non-sportsmanship or just disrespect to their players. Or Coaches that display themselves as Christians but keep the true colors hidden with discriminating kids, teaching unprofessional sportsmanship, and taking credit for coaching when leaving the teaching to the under coaches. 

I can only detest to the JV practices after splitting up of roster but before teams were split, all coaches were leaving the practice run to Coach Leach. The rest would just stand by and look on, talking or at times yelling at a boy or two when they felt it needed. 

On Game Changer for Varsity there is the students as follows:
Stephen Below           #3
Gauge Simon             #6
Pati Taito                    #8
Marcus Galeai            #9
Josias Colin               #11
Jacob Barr                 #13
Matthew Consulta    #17
Daniel Brady            #27
Shawn Talley            #29
Other Varsity 
Rayson-Marcel Jonas #2
Jonathan Phillip (JP)  #20
Shawn-Solo Malauulu    #15
Malcolm Frank           #7

Todays game 18 March 2024 against Enumclaw had the highlighted above Varsity players in our game, taking place of some of our JV players. 

Todays batting lineup:

#2    Rayson-Marcel Jones starting at pitcher
#8    Pati K Taito starting at 2nd base
#13    Jacob Barr as a Designated Hitter
#26    Diamonte Sotelo in 3rd block with Jacob starting at Right Field
#19    Isaiah Castillo starting at 3rd base
#10    Christopher Claus starting at 1st base
#27    Daniel Brady starting at catcher
#22    Chase Porter in the 5th inning batted and started to pitch at the top of the 6th inning
#7    Malcolm Frank started at short stop
#1    in the 3rd inning batted
#17    Matthew Consulta started at left field
#20    Jonathan Phillip (JP) started at center field
#15    Shawn-Solo Malauulu was an extra hitter.

Highlights and Score:

1st Inning:
CPHS: Runs by no-one.
EHS: Runs by Landon

2nd Inning:
CPHS: Runs by no-one.
EHS: Runs by no-one.

3rd Inning:
CPHS: Runs by no-one.
EHS: Runs by Zimmer, Vinny, Lafter, and Chad

4th Inning:
CPHS: Runs by no-one.
EHS: Runs by Jack
Bottom of 4th, Coach got kicked out game.

5th Inning:
CPHS: Runs by no-one.
EHS: Runs by Lafter

6th Inning:
Game stopped claimed to be coach got kicked out.

This game wasn't even the JV team's game. 8 Varsity kids took some of the JV spots. JV was short a couple people but that shouldn't be allowed to kick those players rightfully on JV to be replaced with Varsity kids. The parents as well as the team should be able to have the umpire's information so if there is an issue, then at least everyone is on the same page to whom we are talking about. 

During practice, coach Leach stopped warmups and told the boys Hi, that the wasn't their fault for the game getting stopped and that he will not be there for the next game due to him getting kicked off the last game. 

Which makes me upset that the video I have up until that moment because my camera died on me that the other coach was in the umpires back pocket the entire game and talking to him every change out and very cordial. Coach Leach wasn't upset or have a raised tone or anything, all he wanted to do is have a civil talk with the umpire and he clearly was out for our coach or anyone that represented our kids. It was a wrong call and he got called out on his mistake and didn't like it and couldn't handle it like a grown up. If you as an umpire are going to make it a tactic to make sure you clearly ask the kid if he dropped the ball for one scenario for the opponent, then do that across the board for all plays you are not sure about. The umpire was on a power trip and the ones that was yelling about the play was the parents and spectators in the stands. It was clear that for every play in this game, he had to get his daddy's approval on every call he made throughout the game. 

I don't take score for the team, I do it for Christopher to have later after HS. I sit next to the back stop so I can hear blue and see his signs. His dad was sitting next to the fence, behind me and Rachelle, Isaiahs's mom. I was showing her how to keep score on gamechanger, so most of me talking was about what play happened or how to put it in the app. At some point the umpire told Coach Leach to tell us to stop talking to him or something. I was confused, considering the only time I spoke to him was to ask for the count, because by this time he stopped signing them and saying them. I just let it go and just continued doing what I needed to do. At the end, all the parents were mad at the unprofessionalism. Since he kicked out coach, I made sure he signed my book for him, even though I don't score for him but for myself and if he needed it I would give it to him. Anyways, I walked over to him and asked really nicely if he could sign the book just in case coach needed it and so he did. I said thank you and then walked away. His dad decided to have this condescending rude smirk comment saying, "If you want to call the game then you should get a mask on". I said excuse me; I didn't even say anything. Then the umpire said "Yes, you did, I heard you". Mind you I wasn't talking about nothing but the play so I can put it on paper and in the app., Rachelle was talking a little smack, but not about the umpire or anything of importance that he should be worried about what anyone in the stands is talking about. His job is to focus on the game not what moms are talking about their personal life and turning it that we are talking about him. That was the only conversation I remember, and it was personal about single life as a woman, nothing else except the plays at hand. It is fine to be honest. This is why I am taking down everything and videoing every game because I am literally done with the school, umpires and these adults that cannot act like adults. So, as I continued to walk away from the two, that kept arguing with me, I had to tell them to stop talking and grow up because he triggered my fight mode on my PTSD. 

So, the next game is Wednesday, 20 March 2024, Both V and JV are going to Enumclaw for a double header. Varsity plays at 1600 and JV plays right after that. Coach G has to coach both games because Coach Leach has to sit the game out.

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

I am very surprised with the outcome of JV when their coach wasn't there yelling the entire game. The only issue there was, that Coach G didn't advocate for our kids. 

Varsity Game vs Enumclaw Game #2                                                    JV Game vs Enumclaw Game #3

Rayson Jonas               #2                (JP) Jonathan Phillip        #20
Pati Taito                     #8              Isaiah E. Casillo                #19
Shawn Talley              #29                  Christopher Claus            #10 
Josias Colin                #11                Shawn-Solo Malauulu     #15
Stephen Below           #3                  Chase Porter                    #22
Gauge Simon             #6                   Elijah Ste Ana                 #16
Jacob Barr                  #13               Matthew Consulta          #17
Daniel Brady              #27                Marcus Galeai                 #30                                                    Rayson Jonas                  #2

This in my opinion was the best game they played so far, all season. Even though we lost, they gained as a team. Christopher was in his element, and it shows that being yelled at, inquires the kids to actually think and move and act more like a team than to have someone micromanage them at every whim. Do I still think they need new coaches? Yes they desperately need someone from the outside not affiliated with the school to come in and actually have a routine schedule from fundamentals to advance practices. After Coach G, seeing the hard work and effort Christopher put in and the amazing hit and work behind the plate, he still refuses to encourage him or give him credit for his amazing work, despite that any other catcher has proved worthy to even match up to Christophers capabilities. The other catchers need to pay attention. Christopher outshines them in all areas except two, being skinny and right-handed. 

25 March 2024 Game @ Fife

[Yesterday 11:50 AM] Richard Grutas


Game update: 

As  of 11:45 Varsity game at home is still on. 

JV game at Fife has turned into 2 games at Fife due to pending weather on Wednesday. JV team will leave at 2:45 , Game 1 at 4pm second game to follow and will return at the conclusion of the second JV game this evening. 


2024 Timberwolves Baseball

[Yesterday 2:30 PM] Richard Grutas


Get to field asap
Varsity players get to field ASAP

Players that played JV and went to Fife today:
20    JP
29    Shawn T
19    Isaiah  
10    Christopher
22    Chase
21    Sean John
16    Elijah
15    Shawn S
26    Diamante

The first game was starting good. The team was not working together, too many basic errors. Not having their mitts down to stop or catch the ball. Too many calls by the coach that just confused the boys. Too much yelling and constant at the boys where they literally just gave in pretty much and by the second game they just didn't play with heart or a care. The umpires we had were very pleasant and the kids loved them. We had a double header and we lost both. The kids are really tired of the coaches. 

JV had a double header at Fife High School Baseball Field

6 batters per inning or 3 strike outs

CPHS vs Fife HS 5th Game

CPHS was first at bat, with CPHS away team

1st Inning:

1 Run by JP

3 RunS by 27 Hayworth, 13 B. Marvel, and 24 Woods

2nd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

2 Runs by 30 Gekelman and 5 Weintraub

3rd Inning:

1 Run by Christopher

4 Runs by 13 B. Marvel, 24 Woods, 7 Kruse, and 11 Burns

4th Inning:

2 Runs by JP and Isaiah

1 Run by 5 Weintraub

5th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

4 Runs by 13 B. Marvel, 24 Woods, 7 Kruse, and 11 Burns

CPHS vs Fife 6th Game

CPHS was first at bat, with CPHS away team

1st Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

2 Runs by 4 Yee and 3 Marquart

2nd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

2 Runs by 13 Marvel and 7 Kruse

3rd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

4 Runs by 21 Guymon, 3 Marquart, 30 Gendman, and 12 A. Marvel

4th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

3 Runs by 7 Kruse, 2 York, and 4 Yee

27 March 2024
First game as Varsity. 

Not the outcome of the game we wanted. Christopher collided with #21 at the bottom of the 1st Inning and got removed from game. But he was okay and the trainer that took him out confused him with her questions. Lesson learned to have him from now on to make sure he says give me a minute or talk to coach first. 

1st Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

5 Runs by 9 Duchaime M., 13 Hoots, 27 Christiansen, 2 Johnson, and 22 Reece

2nd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

4 Runs by 4 players

3rd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

6 Runs by 13 Hoots, 27 Christiancsen, 2 Johnson, 22 Reece, 7 Slusher, and 5 Duchaime M.

4th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

2 Runs by 22 Reece and 21 Wolfrom

5th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

Maybe next time boys. We have work to do, it is not impossible, just need dedication and more discipline. 

JV vs White River Double header at CPHS

1st game CPHS Home and White River Away

20 JP             as Short Stop
27 Daniel         as Catcher
29 Shawn T.      as Pitcher
10 Christopher    as 1st Base   
22 Chase         as 3rd Base
3 Stephen        as 2nd Base
16 Elijah           as Right Field
21 Sean Jean    as Left Field
15 Shawn S      as Center Field
19 Isaiah           as EH (Extra Hitter)
2 Rayson          as Sub

1st Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

1 Run by Nash

2nd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

0 Runs by No-one

3rd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

1 Run by Nash

4th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

1 Run by Lange

5th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

0 Runs by No-one

6th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

1 Run by Vandersnick

7th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

4 Runs by Nash, Hoalst, Jensen, and Fielding

2nd game CPHS Away and White River Home

20 JP             as Short Stop
2 Rayson         as 2nd Base
19 Isaiah          as Pitcher
10 Christopher    as 1st Base   
18 Gauge          as 3rd Base
22 Chase         as Right Field
16 Elijah           as 1st Base
21 Sean Jean    as Left Field
15 Shawn S      as Center Field

1st Inning:

1 Run by JP

3 RunS by Slominski, Vanderson, and Jensen

2nd Inning:

1 Run by Chase

0 Runs by No-one

3rd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

4 Runs by Slominski, Nash, Vanderson, and Jensen

4th Inning:

1 Run by Gauge

0 Runs by No-one

5th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

2 Runs by Slominski and Vandersen

6th Inning:

1 Run by Christopher

1 Run by Thacker

7th Inning:

3 Runs by JP, Rayson, and Isaiah

Richard Grutas <>
Richard Grutas
Bre Giove;Gregg Leach;Sausauotamaitai Pritchard;Amanda Grutas
Sun 4/7/2024 6:31 PM


If you are receiving this email, you either have a student who plays baseball or you are one of the players yourself. This is the weekly email. 


This last week was another one that was different than regular but thank you to all who showed up for Spring break ball.  At the JV level we are have completed 8 games with 12 remaining. At the Varsity level with the 2 games to be rescheduled, we will now have 15 games over the remaining 15 school days. We will be very busy. 

This week

Grade checks are run Monday and players are eligible until Friday. It is very important that we attend all practices and every eligible player is ready to play this week. Even though at the Varsity level we are currently with a 1-4 record. We are currently 17th out of 23 teams in our District 2/3. The top 16 teams play in a district tournament. If we reach the district tournament it will be the first time we have reached that level since 2005. 

Our JV and Varsity will continue to be flexed based on needs and availability. 

As of this email these are the student athletes whom are eligible for Monday - Friday this week. The ** by the name will indicate that after this week they will need to get a new grade check. 

Sean John Anderson

Jacob Barr

Stephen Below 

Daniel Brady 

Isaiah Castillo**

Chris Claus

Josias Colin** 

Matthew Consulta 

Malcom Frank

Marcus Galeai** 

Rayson Jonas

Donaven Phillip 

Jonathan Phillip** 

Chase Porter** 

Gauge Simon 

Diamante Sotelo 

Elijah Sta Ana

Pati Taito

Shawn Talley 

Shawn Solo 

As you can see we have 20 available eligible for the week. We need at a minimum 9 Per team, We would like to Carry 10 Per team. With winnable games coming it is important that every practice is made by eligible players. We will still allow that you go to extended learning on Tuesdays and Thursdays if there are no games. As a coaching staff we ask that you balance your time appropriately so that you can still come to practice on extended learning days

If you or your student is not listed in the list of eligible names we ask that prior to practice every day you do everything you can to get a 2.0 with no F’s or 2.5+ with only 1 F.  

After you have done everything you can to raise your grade to eligible then you may come to practice. 

This week again will be flexible. We’ve had to move games based on umpire shortage. Previously the online schedule reads this week is going to be Tue/Wed/Friday for games. 

Monday - Practice 

Tuesday - Practice 

Wednesday -  Practice

Thursday- Varsity Home VS FP 

Friday-  Varsity Away vs Washington , JV Home vs Washington 

Next week - 

Another fluid week, of make ups need all eligible players ready. We play Washington High school Friday of this week and Monday of next week  


Reminders, Next Grade check is Monday . If you are on grade list. (Below a 2.0, Multiple F's, 2.0-2.49 with 1 F) grades will be set on April 8. 

Attendance in class and to practice is required. If you miss practice the day before game you may get sent down to JV and those who have followed guidelines may be brought up to Varsity pending conversation with student athlete. 



As always please don't hesitate to reach out. If you/your student is on JV and you need to directly reach out you may contact Coach Leach at

Richard Grutas 
Head Coach Baseball  Clover Park HS

Coming back from spring breatk and first practice of the 8th of April 2024. 

The 9th rolled around and not until Christopher asked did it get cleared about the game that was still posted on the school Arbiter site. Same for the next day since it said JV games were on Tues and Wed. They got moved to the 11th and 12th. It is just hard to keep the kids on track if you are not talking to their parents as well. They are not adults and majority need and get rides from parents. 

Game day: 11 April 2024

I get there to set up and load and behold I am again being told that the game for JV is after the Varsity game. Like a double header but Varsity and JV. Not only did all Varsity got to play their game they also got to play the JV game as well.
1st Inning:

2 Runs by Isaiah, and Chase

2 RunS by Rogers, and Boler

2nd Inning:

0 Run by No-one

1 Run by Alonsio

3rd Inning:

1 Run by Christopher

1 Run by Cooper

4th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

2 Runs by Alolsio, and Grondaill

5th Inning:

2 Runs by Christopher, and Chase

1 Run by Boler

12 April 2024

Varsity headed off to Washington High School and JV stayed behind. NO GAME DUE TO UMPIRE NOT SHOWING UP. POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. 

Richard Grutas
Gregg Leach;Bre Giove;Amanda Grutas
Sun 4/14/2024 1:28 PM


If you are receiving this email, you either have a student who plays baseball or you are one of the players yourself. This is the weekly email. 


This previous week was short but busy. Thursday both Varsity and JV played vs FP. and Friday Varsity won 13-5 while JV unexpectedly has no umpire available to be assigned. 

This week

Big week ahead that could be slowed down if those who we previously listed with grade issues do not get cleared on Monday by Mrs. Giove 

 Monday - Varsity Home vs WA, JV Away At WA

Tuesday - Varsity Away at FP , JV Home vs FP 

Wednesday-  Practice 

Thursday- Varsity Home vs Orting , JV away at Orting 

Friday-Varsity Away at Orting, JV Home vs Orting 

JV game will be decided Monday by noon. Parent email will go out Monday by Noon on if JV game is to be played. 

We will try to fill the JV even by Varsity guys in order to play. 

Next week - 

Let's get through this busy week first! 


Reminders, If you are on grade list. (Below a 2.0, Multiple F's, 2.0-2.49 with 1 F) you will need to be cleared by Mrs. Giove before you can play. 

Attendance in class and to practice is required. Excused absence such as injury ,illness, appointment, emergency. Is permitted. You/your students classroom attendance is reported to coaching staff every day at 1:45. 


Again Monday and all JV games will be decided by noon of that day. We will go day by day with an update. 

As always please don't hesitate to reach out via email.  If you/your student is on JV and you need to directly reach out you may contact Coach Leach at

Richard Grutas 
Head Coach Baseball  Clover Park HS

4-18-2024 Double Header against Orting JV Cardinals at Orting
Game 1.1

1st Inning

0 Runs by No-one

4 Runs by Carson #6, Lyon #4, Sparks #15, and Lawson #2

2nd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

0 Runs by No-one

3rd Inning:

2 Runs by Chase, and Sean John

1 Run by Carlson #6

4th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

2 Runs by Hopfauf #9, and Martin #1

5th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

Game 1.2

1st Inning

1 Run by Christopher #10

2 RunS by Carrol #7 and Uhl #14

2nd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

2 Runs by Carlson #6, and Heisinger #8

3rd Inning:

1 Run by JP

2 Runs by Carrol #7 and Uhl #14

4th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

1 Run by Christian #24

5th Inning:

1 Run by Demonte #26

4-19-2024 Single 9 inning game against Orting Jv Cardinals at Home

1st Inning

1 Run by Pati #8

2 Runs by Barkley #16, and Mayfield #35

2nd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

0 Runs by No-one

3rd Inning:

2 Runs by Pati #8 and Diamante #26

3 Runs by Barkley #16, Christian #11, and Mayfield #35

4th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

2 Runs by Hopfauf #9, and Harold #28

5th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

2 Runs by Jeffries #12, and Mayfield #35

6th Inning

1 Run by Christopher #10

2 Runs by Hopfauf #9, and Dawe #8

7th Inning

0 Runs by No-one

1 Run by Barkley #16


4-29-24 JV CANCELLED, VARSITY GAME JV WENT TO PLAY AND WARM UP IN. Steilacoom High School at Steilacoom Park at Pierce College Baseball field

Monday April 29
Richard Grutas
Gregg Leach;Bre Giove;Amanda Grutas;Brenda Hill
Mon 4/29/2024 11:32 AM
Greetings All, 

Few updates on today. 

JV games postponed to later date and no practice. 
We do have a great opportunity for a cool experience today. Varsity will play its games vs Steilacoom at the brand new Pierce College Baseball Complex at Steilacoom Park. We are offering for JV players who are eligible the opportunity to travel , warm up and sit in the dugout with us at Pierce.  We will  play our 10 Varsity players listed below.  The JV players listed will be added to the list of early release if they would like travel and be apart of warm and dugout. Games are scheduled for 3 and 5 pm. 

Varsity Players 

Jacob Barr 
Stephen Below 
Daniel Brady 
Josias Colin 
Matthew Consulta 
Malcolm Frank 
Rayson Jonas 
Gauge Simon 
Pati Taito 
Shawn Talley 

JV Players eligible for Travel 

Sean John Anderson 
Chris Claus 
Donaven Phillip 
Jonathan Phillip 
Chase Porter 
Diamante Sotelo 

(this list is current as of 11:30am) 

If your student/your name is listed you will be on the list for early release at 1:25. release from CP  We will leave promptly at 1:45. 

Game 1.1 

1st Inning

0 Run by No-one

1 Run by Micah #32

2nd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

2 Runs by Luke #5, and Logan #37

3rd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

3 Runs by Gavin #3, Seth #31, and Luke #5

4th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

4 Runs by Micah #32, Josiah #13, Gavin #3, and Drew #24

5th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

Two players from the JV team Chase and Christopher were put in only as Hitters in the last Inning. Chase #22 came in on the 5th Inning for Simon #6 and hit into the right of center field with a caught ball. Christopher #10 came in on the 5th Inning for Below #3, He hit a hard-line drive in the middle to 1st and 2nd and got on base. The only two players that hit and got on base was Matthew #17 and Christopher #10.

Game 1.2

1st Inning

0 Run by No-one

10 Runs by Micah #32 x2, Josiah #13 x2, Gavin #3, Drew #24, Seth #31, Jason #8, Luke #5, and Devin #25

2nd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

0 Runs by No-one

3rd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

0 Runs by No-one

4th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

0 Runs by No-one

5th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

Two players from the JV team Chase and Christopher were put in only as Hitters in the last Inning. Chase #22 came in on the 5th Inning for Simon #6 and got struck out. Christopher #10 came in on the 5th Inning for Below #3, He got struck out after a foul ball. The only player that hit and got on base was Jacob Barr #13 that got walked to first base.

4-30-2024 Today's Practice and the rest of the week.

Today's Practice and the rest of the week.
RiRichard Grutas
Bre Giove;Gregg Leach;Amanda Grutas
Tue 4/30/2024 12:24 PM
Today's Varsity Games are postponed to Friday. We will have practice until 4pm On the small field  and then we will head over to softball and support them on their senior night. 

The remainder of the week looks like this.

Tuesday : Practice until 4pm,  Then Support Softball 
Wednesday: Full JV and Varsity Practices 
Thursday: JV Senior Night Vs Foss (Looks like best weather all week)  , Seniors are : Chris, Seasn John, Diamante, Marcus 
 Varsity to Muckleshoot In Auburn for their Senior Night leave at 4:30. 6pm Game time. 
Friday: Varsity Double Header 3 and 5 pm Vs White River to wrap up regular season. 

Thank you all for being flexible this season and putting together great Senior Nights to Honor or Seniors. 

Richard Grutas 
Head Coach Baseball  Clover Park HS

2 May 2024 Thursday JV vs Foss at home "SENIOR NIGHT"

1st Inning

0 Run by No-one

0 Runs by No-one

2nd Inning

0 Runs by No-one

0 Runs by No-one

3rd Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

0 Runs by No-one

4th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

0 Runs by No-one

5th Inning:

0 Runs by No-one

Varsity Game Friday, May 3, 2024

This was a complete waste of time for the JV team. In hopes of JV players to possible play and they were never allowed. Oh yeah let's get their hopes up the entire time so you can use them to be your errand boys and have them do stupid errands for you. like fetch foul balls. The season is complete and done. Now on to better things like graduation and college things.

Clover Park High School

Boys Junior Varsity Baseball (2 - 10)
Date/Time OpponentLocationResultsStatusLeague
Mon Mar 11 4:00 PM@
Foss High School
Foss High School
Baseball Field
Mon Mar 18 4:00 PMvs
Enumclaw High School
Clover Park High School
Merle Hagbo Memorial Baseball Field
Wed Mar 20 7:00 PM@
Enumclaw High School
Enumclaw High School
Osborn Baseball Field
Fri Mar 22 4:00 PM@
Foss High School
Foss High School
Baseball Field
Mon Mar 25 4:00 PM@
Fife High School
Fife High School
Baseball Diamond
Mon Mar 25 6:00 PMvs
Fife High School
Fife High School
Baseball Diamond
Wed Apr 3 3:00 PMvs
White River High School
Clover Park High School
Merle Hagbo Memorial Baseball Field
Wed Apr 3 5:00 PMvs
White River High School
Clover Park High School
Merle Hagbo Memorial Baseball Field
Thu Apr 11 4:00 PMvs
Franklin Pierce High School
Franklin Pierce HS
Baseball Field
Thu Apr 11 6:00 PMvs
Franklin Pierce High School
Clover Park High School
Merle Hagbo Memorial Baseball Field
Fri Apr 12 4:00 PMvs
Washington High School
Clover Park High School
Merle Hagbo Memorial Baseball Field
Mon Apr 15 4:00 PM@
Washington High School
Washington High School
Baseball Field
Tue Apr 16 4:00 PMvs
Franklin Pierce High School
Clover Park High School
Merle Hagbo Memorial Baseball Field
Thu Apr 18 4:00 PM@
Orting High School
Orting HS
Baseball Diamond
Thu Apr 18 6:00 PM@
Orting High School
Orting HS
Baseball Diamond
Fri Apr 19 4:00 PMvs
Orting High School
Clover Park High School
Merle Hagbo Memorial Baseball Field
Mon Apr 22 4:00 PMvs
Foss High School
Clover Park High School
Merle Hagbo Memorial Baseball Field
Wed Apr 24 4:00 PM@
Foss High School
Foss High School
Baseball Field
Thu Apr 25 4:00 PMvs
Foss High School
Clover Park High School
Merle Hagbo Memorial Baseball Field
Fri Apr 26 4:00 PMvs
Steilacoom High School
Clover Park High School
Merle Hagbo Memorial Baseball Field
Mon Apr 29 3:00 PMvs
Steilacoom High School
Clover Park High School
Merle Hagbo Memorial Baseball Field
Mon Apr 29 5:15 PMvs
Steilacoom High School
Clover Park High School
Merle Hagbo Memorial Baseball Field
Tue Apr 30 4:00 PM@
Lincoln High School (Tacoma)
Lincoln High School - Tacoma
Lincoln high school
Thu May 2 4:00 PMvs
Foss High School

Clover Park High School
Merle Hagbo Memorial Baseball Field


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