CUSSING, CURSING, SWEARING From when I can remember, I have always been told that "If you cannot say anything nice at all, then don't say anything". Never really thought about it until my grandson started repeating his parents' words, not understanding the ramification of the words actions you really speak. When you say curse, there are many different types; witchcraft curse, and speaking a curse word or many. Let us examine, if you are not walking with the blood of Jesus, you automatically fallen into the hands of the devil and he will not stop at anything to make you continue to not follow Jesus. CURSES FROM WITCHCRAFT: There are straight up chanting and words that are in rhyming conditions to sound cool and that are evil to get you to rely on everything except Jesus. The evil ones that worship the devil are told to make songs for people, even Christians to listen to and Un cognitively sing chants of curses for the devil to worship him ...